Airport Master Plan

What is the Master Plan?

An Airport Master Plan is a study used to determine the long-term development plans for an airport. Because air transportation is a vital community industry, it is important that the requirements for new or improved airports be anticipated. It is also essential to reserve adequate resources to meet identified needs. Airport master planning is a critical tool in determining needs and programming development at individual airports.

The Airport Master Plan process provides opportunities for political entities and the public to participate in the development of aviation plans. It provides a framework for individual airport development programs consistent with short, intermediate, and long-range airport system requirements and determines future financial requirements.

An Airport Master Plan addresses the development needs for a 20-year time period. Updates are often necessary as the dynamic conditions of the industry are reflected in activity and future needs. The Airport Master Plan is a community’s concept of the long-term development of its airport. It graphically displays the concept and reports the data and logic upon which the plan is based. The plans are prepared to support the modernization of existing airports and the creation of new ones.

The master planning process considers the needs and demands of airport tenants, users, and the general public. The guiding principle of the airport master planning process is the development of a safe and efficient airport. It must also be responsive to area-wide comprehensive transportation planning.

The Charles M. Schulz – Sonoma County Airport Draft Master Plan Update is the County’s plan for the development of the Airport over the next 20 years.

The draft plan includes the following elements (most recently updated in 2011):

  • Background and Inventory of Facilities
  • Aviation Activity Forecasts
  • Airfield Design
  • Building and Development
  • Finance and Implementations
Graphic icon depicting a clipboard with a check mark.

Master Plan Documents 2011

The Master Plan documents drafted in 2007 were most recently updated in 2011. The most recent Master Plan documents are listed below. Note: You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your device to view the following PDF documents.

The following link to PDFs of the most recent and final draft of Master Plan revisions, in order:

Master Plan Update 2012

On January 24, 2012, the County of Sonoma Board of Supervisors took final action and approved certification of the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and approved the Charles M. Schulz – Sonoma County Airport Master Plan and related General Plan and Zoning amendments.

The Master Plan provides an overall view of the proposed use and development of the Airport. The proposed project is the implementation of the 2030 Airport Master Plan (AMP). The AMP includes a variety of project elements related to maintaining and improving Airport safety, and maintaining and upgrading Airport facilities. These project elements would be implemented at the Airport over the next twenty years.

You can find access to the FEIR Public Notice, the FEIR, and the DEIR below.

Note: Several documents pertain to past events, decisions or elements that pertain to the overall Master Plan. The Airport has provided them for public information purposes only.

Notices, Information and Process

Graphic icon depicting an hourglass.

Stages of the STS Master Plan Process

Following information details the evolution of the Master Plan Process, leading up to adoption of the Airport Master Plan in January 2012:



The Board of Supervisors directed the Airport to develop a Master Plan Update to project Airport needs over the next 20 years.


The Airport hired Mead & Hunt as a consultant to assist with the development of the Master Plan Update. Mead & Hunt put together the elements of the Master Plan.


The Sonoma County Board of Supervisors formed a Community Advisory Committee (CAC) to advise and assist the Airport staff and master plan consulting team by communicating community feedback on potential changes and impacts from the proposed Airport Master Plan Update. The CAC conducted six meetings between August 2006 and May 2007 at which the elements of the plan were discussed.


May of 2007, the Draft Master Plan Update was completed, published, and ready for public review. The plan was viewed by and commented on by the public on this website and was discussed and commented on at public meetings.

The Board of Supervisors reviewed and accepted the plan on December 4, 2007.

Once the Board accepted the Master Plan, the Environmental Review began. This process typically takes 18-24 months to complete, but delays can occur. Existing and potential environmental effects and appropriate mitigating measures must be considered throughout the Environmental Review process.


The Draft Environmental Impact Report was released on August 5, 2011, and a 45-day public meeting and public comment period commenced. The public comment period closed on September 19, 2011, at 5 PM PDT.

After the comment period closed the County analyzed and responded to comments and prepared the Final EIR (FEIR), to include all written comments received regarding the project’ environmental impacts.

The FEIR was presented to the Planning Commission on December 1, 2011, where the Planning Commission voted 4-1 to recommendation the project to the Board of Supervisors (BOS).


On January 10, 2012, the FEIR was presented to the BOS and a public hearing was held. The BOS heard comments and discussed certifying the FEIR. A straw vote was taken and the five Supervisors cast their straw votes in favor of certifying the FEIR and adopting the Master Plan Update.

On January 24, 2012, the County of Sonoma Board of Supervisors took final action and approved certification of the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and approved the Charles M. Schulz – Sonoma County Airport Master Plan and related General Plan and Zoning amendments.

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