A Terminal Improvement and Modernization Project at Charles M. Schulz – Sonoma County Airport kicks-off Monday, November 9, 2020 with a Groundbreaking Ceremony.
The Sonoma County Department of Transportation and Public Works – Charles M. Schulz — Sonoma County Airport (STS) will be holding a ground breaking ceremony celebrating the start of construction of an exciting Terminal Improvement and Modernization Project at the Charles M. Schulz – Sonoma County Airport.
WHEN: Monday, November 9, 2020 | 1:30 p.m.
WHERE: 2200 Airport Blvd., Santa Rosa (North side of the Modular Ticketing facility near the Fire Station)
The Terminal Improvement and Modernization Project includes 33,000-square-feet of new construction and 7,000-square-feet of renovation. Funding for the project comes primarily from Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) grants totaling $23,836,175. An additional $7,510,712 will be paid from Airport revenues and passenger facility charges. No other tax dollars or County general funds will be utilized. This project is part of the Airport Master Plan approved by the County Board of Supervisors in 2012. Since that time, passenger traffic at the Airport has increased in line with the Master Plan projections, with the exception of a drop due to COVID-19. Terminal improvements are needed to keep up with the anticipated return to high passenger traffic expected within the next 2-3 years. This slow period creates an optimal time to complete such construction with minimal service impact and accelerate portions of the project reducing overall construction time. After four years of review and design, construction is ready to begin. The project includes demolition of the Gate 1 modular facility, construction of a building addition which includes a new Gate 1 facility, additional concession space for expanded food and beverage options, a new automated passenger exit lane, and a two lane TSA security check point. Additional improvements include two new baggage claim systems, relocation of the rental car counters, creation of an outdoor seating and dining area, and a new ticketing lobby. The terminal entrance will be renovated to include canopies adjacent to an expanded entry to accommodate additional and consolidated ticketing kiosks and improved passenger flow. With airline ticketing contained within the new terminal, the modular building currently used by American and United Airlines for passenger check-in will be converted to support space. Construction is anticipated to be completed by fall of 2022.
This project is expected to employ over 1,000 workers through the course of the project. As part of pre-construction services, Q&D Construction completed an open bid for subcontractors in July 2020. There were 150 subcontractors bidding on this project, with bids based on skilled workforce and prevailing wage requirements. Subcontractor statistics show the following data:
- 62.72% of bidders are local Sonoma County businesses
- 16.91% of bidders are Northern Bay Area businesses
- 20.37% of bidders are other California businesses or outside of California
- 75% of bidders are affiliated with a union
Reno-based Q&D Construction’s Aviation Group, is the project’s general contractor. Construction Management Administrative Services will be provided by C&S Companies. The project’s architectural firm is Mead & Hunt, Inc., Architectural and Engineering Services. Representatives will be on hand to answer questions.
Attendees will include:
- Duane Boreham – Q&D Construction
- Cory Hazlewood –C&S Companies
- Bob Casagrande or Tim Dacey – Mead & Hunt, Inc.
- Jon Stout – Charles M. Schulz – Sonoma County Airport Manager
- Johannes Hoevertsz – Sonoma County’s Director of Transportation and Public Works
- Supervisor James Gore – District 4, Sonoma County Board of Supervisors
- Supervisor Susan Gorin – Chair, Sonoma County Board of Supervisors
- Senator Mike McGuire – California State Senate District 2 (tentative)
- Congressman Mike Thompson – United States Congressman, California’s 5th District (tentative)
- Congressman Jared Huffman– United States Congressman, California’s 2nd District (tentative)
All attendees must wear facial coverings and follow social distancing guidelines as detailed by the County of Sonoma Health Officer.
About Charles M. Schulz – Sonoma County Airport (STS)
Located in the heart of Northern California’s world-renowned Wine Country, STS is the only airport that offers scheduled air service into the North Bay region. As of this press release, daily nonstop flights include: Alaska® Airlines to Los Angeles, Orange County, San Diego, Portland, and Seattle; and American Airlines to Dallas and Phoenix Sky Harbor. All Airlines offer a wide-range of connecting flights to destinations in the continental U.S., Mexico, and beyond.
Offering a hassle-free experience with shorter lines and an easier commute for North Bay residents, the Charles M. Schulz – Sonoma County Airport also features convenient ground transportation, easy and affordable parking with 2-hours free and electric vehicle (EV) charging stations, Alaska Airlines’ Wine Flies Free program, the on-site Sky Lounge Steakhouse & Sushi Bar, and Costeaux on the Go.
For additional airport information, follow Charles M. Schulz – Sonoma County Airport on Facebook and Twitter.
Media Contact
For more information, journalists are asked to contact:
Sonoma County Public Information Office
(707) 565-3040