Master Plan Documents 2007
The November 2007 Draft Final Master Plan Update was accepted by the Board of Supervisors on Tuesday, December 4, 2007. Early in 2008 an Environmental Review will begin and is expected to take 18-24 months to complete. After the Environmental Review is complete, the Board will vote to certify the Environmental Review and to consider adoption of the Final Master Plan Update.
November 2007 Draft Final Master Plan Update
These documents are in Portable Document Format (PDF). You need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view them. Visit this page to download Acrobat Reader. If you are unable to access the documents contact us.
Front Section (Cover, Inside Cover, Table of Contents)
Chapter 1: Background and Inventory
Chapter 2: Aviation Activity Forecasts
Master Plan Update Appendices
Appendix A: Air Carrier Commuter Airline Forecasts, Methodologies, and Assumptions
Appendix B: Glossary of Terms Used in Airport Master Planning
Appendix C: Facility Requirements and Development Alternatives: Runway Development
Appendix D: Comparison of 1993 and 2002 Safety Compatibility Zone Examples
Master Plan Addendum Report
Addendum Report Cover
Environmental Baseline Data Report
Appendix A: Biological Assessment
(separated into parts because of file size)
- Appendix A: Biological Assessment (part 2)
- Appendix A: Biological Assessment (part 3)
Appendix B: Wildlife Habitat Management Plan
Appendix C: Cultural Paleontological Resources Memorandum
Draft Airport Master Plan Update
The following list links to the contents of the Draft Airport Master Plan Update prior to revisions and additional information added in November 2007.
Chapter 1: Background and Inventory
Chapter 2: Aviation Activity Forecasts
Chapter 4: Building Area Development
Chapter 5: Finance and Implementation